Contact Miss Tess

Process for Enrollment

1st Grade through Adults
Ballard, Seattle, near Golden Gardens

New students are accepted through February of the current school year. Inquiries made in March or later will begin lessons the following September. 

· Inquiries from March 2022 through February 2023 will be for enrollment in the 2022-2023 school year
· Inquiries from March 2023 through February 2024 will be for enrollment in the 2023-2024 school year

1. The first step is scheduling an initial phone call.

Please fill out the form on this page, and Miss Tess will email you within three business days to schedule the time. During the initial phone call, the student is welcome to be part of some or all of the conversation. Miss Tess would like to hear about the student’s learning style, any previous experiences with music, things they enjoy or despise, insights from the guardian, concerns, aspirations, what they are looking for in a teacher, all that good stuff. Guardian and student can ask Miss Tess about the studio, her approach to education, group events, any other questions.

2. The second step is scheduling an introductory lesson with Miss Tess.

This will be set sometime in the week or two following the initial phone call. The introductory lesson takes place at the studio and includes a 30-minute lesson and a 15-minute interview. If the new student is able to have a piece ready, they are invited to play it at this lesson to give Miss Tess a better sense of where they are currently with their music. Students do not need to bring anything else to this first meeting. Introductory lessons are $65, due by the day before the scheduled lesson. This day-before policy ensures that the introductory lesson spot is reserved without confusion, and it enables everyone to focus solely on the new lesson experience while they are in the studio.

3. The third step is scheduling the student for a regular weekly spot in the studio.

Guardian and student have a two-week window after the introductory lesson to let Miss Tess know if they would like to enroll in the studio. Miss Tess will then send a list of items to purchase, available time slots, a studio contract to sign, the studio’s calendar, and she will begin making the student’s custom spiral book. After this enrollment prologue is complete, the student will be ready to begin their adventures!